Saturday, February 9, 2008


The network is the attack by heavy artillery tennis. It is assumed that all crushing defense. As such, it should be seen as a winner of stroke at all times, no matter if the shot is volleyball or crush.

Once in the network affected from the point at the first opportunity given to get the racket on the ball squarely. All the laws of the feet may be explained by the dynamism are theoretically in the same volleying. In practice, they rarely have time to change their feet to a set position, which would avoid problems by throwing the weight on the foot closest to the ball and pushing it into the shooting.

Volleys are of two kinds:
(1) low volley, made from below the waist, and (2) the high volley, from the waist to the head. In contrast to the classification level are hitting the two styles known as (1) the deep volley and (2) stop volley.

All low volleys are blocked. High volleys may be blocked or affected. Volleys never be traced. There is no monitoring at a low volley and a little high. You hear a lot of "chop" volleys. A stroke is a slice of the racket when traveling above the line of flight of the ball, down and through it, and the angle actually behind the racket is greater than 45 degrees, and 90 degrees in many approach . Therefore I say that not volleys must be chopped, the tendency is to pop the ball in the air against any slice. Slice volleys if desired, or hit them flat for these two rounds are conducted in a small angle to the line of flight of the ball, the racket face travelling almost over his aircraft.

In all volleys, high or low, the wrist should be blocked and absolutely rigid. You should always be below the head of the racket, making the racket bracing against the impact of the ball. Allowing the entry into force of the shot, in addition to its own weight, to return the ball, and not try to "doll" of her. The face is tilted racket give any angle necessary for the return of the ball look at the strings, so you do not need to turn the wrist.

Low volleys can never be a power, and because of the height of the network should be sharply angled, to allow the increase of distance. Any ball met at a level higher than the top of the network can be hit hard. The stroke should be crisp, snappy, and decisive, but must leave to meet the ball. Monitoring must be very small. The lowest volleys should be smooth and short. Most volleys requiring high speed and length.

The "downtime" volleyball is nothing more than a short shot blocked. There is no force used. The racket simply complies with the ball and vehicles that stops it. The ball bounces and falls of its own weight. There is little bounce a shot that, and that can be reduced to allow the racket to slide slightly under the ball at the moment of impact, therefore, turn back to the ball.

Volleying is a science based on the old axiom that a geometric straight line is the shortest distance between two points. I would say that one must always volleyer cover the line passing shots, as it is the shortest shot to go with him, and he must volley directly to its openness and not waste time trying freakish curvándose volleys to give the base line time to recover. It is the great straight Johnston volley that makes him a dangerous network of man. He is always "punched" his volley straight and hard at the opening in his opponent's court.

A player must have net ground strokes with the aim of achieving positive net. Do you not think that a service and volley will suffice against first-class tennis. Strive to kill his volleys at the same time, but his shot should not win, keep the ball and cross again cover the shot straight. Always force the man trying to pass to play the best shot.

Attacking with his volleys. Never defend the ball when on the network. The only defense is a volley at his feet as comes in. It is a mid-court shot. Volleys should gain from the placement of more than speed, but speed can be used in a high volley.

Closely related to volleyball, but by no means a stroke volley, overhead smash it. This is the Big Bertha tennis. It is the terror of far-reaching should always score. The rules of feet, the position and direction governing volleyball will be sufficient to overheads. The rotation itself is different. The rotation must be closely linked to the slice of service, and the racket arm swing freely from the shoulder, wrist and flexible racket impart a slight twist to the ball to keep it in court. Total operating expenses is due mainly to a winner through speed, as his abandonment is so high that often the placement of a slowly allows time for a recovery.

Do not jump in the air to hit balls unnecessarily broad. Keep at least one foot, and when you can have two feet on the ground in the crushing, since it helps regulate weight, and have a better balance. Hit flat and decisively, to the point, if desired. Most of the overhead shots will be lost in the eyes leaving the ball, but a second class of errors are due to the lack of trust that gives overcrowding, lack of enthusiasm swing. Follow through his shot above the current limit of your swing.

Overloading is essentially a shot doubles, singles, because the chances of overcoming the network are greater than men lobbing over her head, while two men Doubles cover the network so easily that the best way to open the court is a Lob man back. At break, the longest distance is more secure because it allows a greater shot margin of error. Therefore crush 'cross when pressed, but his throw short lobs any of the parties as determined by the man who is playing.

Never drop a lob can hit on the head because it forces the back and gives the position of attacking his opponent. Never crush with a reverse twist, always hit with a straight and direct racket face to the opening. Closely related to overhead, as it is the usual crush hard for any defense, is the lob.

One is a high lob to pull the ball landing between the service line and the baseline. An excellent lob must be within 6 feet of the baseline. Lobs are essentially defensive. The ideas are lobbing: (1) to give yourself time to recover when the position was withdrawn from the court by his opponent's shot;
(2) to reduce the net man and break his attack;
(3) the tires of your opponent;
(4) occasionally to, by placing win cleanly. This is usually a lob volley to a close network of rally, and is a slightly different stroke.
(1) cut the lob, a cut very low spin that hangs in the air. This is the best defensive lob, which is high and gives plenty of time to regain the position.
(2) The stroke or lob flat lob, hit with a slight top spin. This is the point lob winner because not enough time for the player to run around it, because it is lower and faster than the chop. In making this lob, start your swing as a unit, but to allow the racket and slow in the face to tilt upward only when you meet the ball. This should rarely be shot over 10 feet in the air, as it tends to go out with the float of the ball.

The lob chop, which is a decided cut low, should increase from 20 to 30 feet, or more, high and deep it goes. It's better to lob out and execute your opponent back, which is exhausting, short lob, and give him the confidence of killing them. The value of a lob is primarily one of upsetting your opponent, and its effects are very evident if one unexpectedly in the crucial period of a match.

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