Sunday, April 13, 2008

Its control of the business

If you are thinking that it is time of the cleaning or hour for an annual control, its business needs to undergo a control every year. It does not concern how he is great or small it is his business, you you cannot calibrate the effectiveness of any changes that you have realized without analyzing the advantages and the bottom.

Here they are 10 questions to obtain to him begun:

  • How their sales year-to-date compare to the pairs passed of years? Not to be satisfied if you handled to match them because if the sales remained equal then you have reached growth zero. With the inflation, this flat line of the growth is a danger signal for more hardship under the way.

  • What percentage of its business is of clients of the repetition? This is important to know because if is too low, later it needs to be improved. The considered cost to obtain to a new client against the existing retention can as much be as five to one in terms of dollars happened. The safekeeping of clients is more profitable than new constantly whom they look for.

  • How long it has been since you offered a new product or a service? The loyal clients have taste to see changing him and progressing with the times. If you are stuck for an idea, to ask its clients which he needs.

  • You consider to put and the expenses or the investments of publicity? How you watch the money passed in these areas affects its good will to pass the money absolutely. You would watch prescriptions like loss of money? The commercialization is investing really in you, its vision, and its company. The old saying that you must pass the money to make the money is truth, but you must pass it wise. To pass it in the announcements that are throwing of answers and orders, and if you are not perhaps necessity to change publications.

  • You know which you are the band and to use it to place positively his business in means? I will bet that at least he does one of his competitors. Almost each mention of a company or a business in newspapers and the compartments is a direct result of efforts of the publicity. Being quoted or being offered in an article it speaks to volumes to his clients and readers who are their potential perspective. A good consultant of the band can do that you and to demonstrate ways to him to extend the life utility of that article beyond his publication.

  • Are mentioned you in the Yellow Pages? If you have only one listed line, to consider to include a small announcement in the Yellow Pages. If you can allow yourself, will pay dividends through year.

  • You nipple its regular clients improvement that its drop-ins? You must. If their clients do not feel special when coming to you for products of services, why continue being loyal you? To only have a day of the esteem of the client or a special sale of the invitation for its regulars. To create a list of people to those who are sent propaganda of their regulars. To send the postal or occasional greeting cards for the special events or as soon as to remain in contact. To learn to recognize them in view and to greet them by name when they visit to him.

  • How long he has been since you really spoke with one of his clients? Because you hardly appreciate when his doctor takes time to speak with you, his clients will appreciate to him if you take an interest in his needs. If you have a company of services, to have the lunch or periodic coffee with some regulars - even if they make contact to him with enemy with only once or twice the year. The personal tact in an impersonal world will be remembered.

  • How his to do of the business it is compared to his competition? Each company, does not matter what the size, even has competition - home-based businesses. Its business is growing or reducing the stature? It is his appraisal or service better than hers? If it is so you can say to potential clients on the difference of the price? To think of how you can improve his service to solve or to exceed the expectations his client.

  • They are its happy employees? Not to ask to them that direct, but to observe them through day. The clock, listens and learns. The employees who as their works do not watch the clock to stop time, are not habitual slow, do not have poor corporal language, do not spend time in personal calls of telephone, and they do not watch as never they smiled. To observe how they build reciprocally with the clients. Each is not a phosphorus for the direct bonding with the public, so to make sure that you do not have an employee who is moving away business.

I can remember when it worked in my first extra-curricular work. It was a company of services with me as soon as the owner and in the work. There was direct bonding with the clients, and never there was a problem with the smile when expensive speaking to face with them. That landlord I occurred the best extremity of the business of my life, when it needed that when speaking with the clients on the telephone I must also smile. For a certain inexplicable reason, when you smile whereas you speak on the telephone, the interchange with the client gets to be more pleasant and more productive. It is as if that smile happened to the right through the wires of the telephone to the person with whom you are speaking.

Their own personal CFO become

The personal budgets and finances are not preferred subjects of the majority of people, and certainly not one mine. The executives of the bank even have problems in this area, but you are industralist so they do to him. You are concentrating as much time in his business, his personal check checkbook takes a back seat. Then a day they find him with the alarming fact that you are not saving enough per thin times and you terrify yourself.

Well, as soon as to apply its professional talents to the situation and to make its own CFO personal. Using its eyes of CFO in the situation, it tempers the pain somehow to deal with its own money. In order to obtain begun, they are 5 rules here to treat its personal finances like a business:

  1. To be its own board of directors. In order to make good decisions, you must know how what you are trying to reach. Business, the board of directors writes mission declarations to maintain to the company in track with goals. In the country, it is incumbent on you to define its mission and to make sure of they are satisfying it to him writing down its goals. Not hardly its financial goals either, but their goals of the “life”.

  1. To know its operating expenseses. You know what you spend every month in average? The businesses do because they base his budgets on historical landlords of the cost. The majority of people, nevertheless, does not know what running costs to maintain its lives. You can make budgets towards outside detailed, but she discovers at the end of the month that you have not stuck him. So instead of to make a budget that dictates how much to happen, it makes “a declaration of the flow of liquidity” that the files how much you really spend every broken month in several categories.

  1. To know its value net. The companies measure progress towards goals through the balance that enumerate their assets and responsibilities. Its net S-value its balance where you enumerate all that you you own. That means its verification and the accounts of savings, the investments, car, house, etc. less everything than you must. To follow its net value quarterly to make sure that you are moving towards your personal goals. Without this step, you can be that she does not see the impact of his decisions of the money until is too slow.

  1. Results of the decisions of the money of the prognosis. When a business makes important decisions, they use a called process “panorama planning”. They watch the possible results of an option compare to another one. You can use the same process to make decisions from the elegant money. For any option, to choose two options, and later to watch what each answer would make to its flow of liquidity and net value. To remember, not to be no “good” or “bad” option there - only the options that put to him more close or more far from their goals.

  1. To follow the progress by annual information. Hardly because the companies determine their progress in their annual information, you need to review his list of priorities every year. You have obtained goals? Their patrons of the cost have changed? You happened less than you won? You saved so much as you glided?

You need to treat his money like you convite his business. To give the time him that deserves, because in the end the time you happen you are really an investment in and its dreams.

Tried for a loan of business of the bank, lately?

If you have tried to lately secure a loan of the bank for his business, you know that is not ninguÌ slam-dunk. The promos for the loans of VAS and the loans for the minority or the women owned the sounds of the great businesses, but when you obtain the nose-to-nose with a banker he is another history.

Some of the reasons that do that it seems so difficult they are that many officials of loans feel that you are loans your money instead of banco' S. Take the almost personal responsibility to maximize the reimbursement.

Another one is that he particularly is suspected new companies. Since 4 outside fall of 5 or 80% within the first three years, many moneylenders require a history of three years to make business.

Past, with all the combination and acquisitions of the bank that have happened the procedure of decision making has been far off-site moved of the local branch. To add all these reasons for above, and you must be preparation razzle-for dazzling to the banker.

Here they are some extremities to make him loans more attractive to the bank. First, beginning with a bipartite presentation. To initially put under a brief description of its request of the loan. In this description to include:

  • Extracts of its enterprise plan on its concept of the business, directive equipment, and financial projections.
  • Descriptions of the history of credit of the main ones of its business.
  • The answers of the writing to sharpen the questions of the moneylender of how much you will need, how you will use it to you, and how will restitute you it?

This one must be a document of page two to three and a qualifier can be considered mutual. It determines if the bank has alguÌ  n interest in the loans you them bottoms before you rotate his wheels per hours in front of the loan official. You can want to finish the document with his telephone number so that the banker can behind request an appointment or a discussion to him.

If you have dazzled to loan official sufficiently and has obtained an appointment to find it with, later it is hour to prepare the “great arms”. The ammunition that you will come preparation with will be three years of declarations of taxes personal for all the main ones of its company and the existing business. To include the credit information on all the main ones, a complete and impressive enterprise plan, and information of the collateral and the capitalization.

This it sounds as much information and it will require immense effort, but that one is because the property of the business is not for each.

Besides the preparation with all which the red tape is prepared for any question without sense the moneylender could send in you. To take the time to think around and to originate a second advertizing announcement 30 on which you glide in doing and how he will benefit them and to the business.

To prepare itself to far explain any defect of the credit that appears in the credit information before the banker has an opportunity to worry about them. To be certainly you can demonstrate “to movements of cash” the understanding and the knowledge, without which ninguÌ condemns  n business. To draw up to its considered balance more realist of the flow of liquidity and banking account. To make sure that the banking balance never goes negative, and for a good demonstration of the tact the reimbursement of loan like separated line article. This demonstrates to banker who you understand priorities.

The collateral can be necessary to satisfy the anguish with the moneylender on the reimbursement of the loan, and unfortunately the majority of the small companies has too many few assets to satisfy this necessity. They force many industralists to promise to personal assets such as its home to alleviate the bank. This can seem easily frightened, and is, unless you are really safe of your success.

It sounds like a task of enormous proportions, but with certain preparation and determination it can be done. It is not as easy as all the announcements that you have heard, and the fact that you are beginning an owned business “woman” will not hardly cut ice with a banker, but all the life is a game is not he?

After all, that one is because you are industralist instead of a corporative footman is not he? TO GO FOR GOLD!


The most important aspect of any business is selling the product or the service. Without sales, business can exist for very of length.

All the sales begin with a certain form of publicity. In order to construct sales, this that makes publicity must see or hear by the potential buyers, and it makes react to the publicity of certain way. The credit for the success, or the fault for the lack of almost all the announcements, again invests to the announcement itself.

Generally, the “writer of the announcement” would want that the perspective did one of the following one:

a) To visit the warehouse to see by itself and to judge the product, or to write a check immediately and to send it for the merchandize that are made publicity.

b) To telephone for an appointment to hear the presentation of sales completes, or to write for more information than ascends to the same thing.

The bottom in any announcement is absolutely simple: In order to do that the reading one buys the product or the service. NinguÌ  n announcement that reader makes to pause briefly only in this thought, as soon as to admire the product, or to believe simply what is written on the product - is doing its work totally.

The “writer of the announcement” must know exactly what he wanted that his reader did, and whatever it does not remove the wished action is an absolute loss of the time and money.

In order to remove to the wished action from the perspective, all the announcements they are written according to a “simple main formula” that it is:

1) attracts the “attention” of its perspective.

2) “interest” their perspective in the product

3) cause to its perspective to “desire” the product

4) demand “action” of the perspective

To never forget the basic rule publicity copywriting: If the announcement is not read, it will not stimulate any sale; if it is not seen, it cannot be read; and if it does not order nor it roasts the attention of the reader, it will not be seen!

The majority of copywriters advertizing right knows these fundamental ones the other way around they send and them. If you know that or or right now they are exhibiting him them, their knowledge and practice of these fundamental ones will determine the degree of their success like copywriter advertizing.

Saturday, February 9, 2008


The network is the attack by heavy artillery tennis. It is assumed that all crushing defense. As such, it should be seen as a winner of stroke at all times, no matter if the shot is volleyball or crush.

Once in the network affected from the point at the first opportunity given to get the racket on the ball squarely. All the laws of the feet may be explained by the dynamism are theoretically in the same volleying. In practice, they rarely have time to change their feet to a set position, which would avoid problems by throwing the weight on the foot closest to the ball and pushing it into the shooting.

Volleys are of two kinds:
(1) low volley, made from below the waist, and (2) the high volley, from the waist to the head. In contrast to the classification level are hitting the two styles known as (1) the deep volley and (2) stop volley.

All low volleys are blocked. High volleys may be blocked or affected. Volleys never be traced. There is no monitoring at a low volley and a little high. You hear a lot of "chop" volleys. A stroke is a slice of the racket when traveling above the line of flight of the ball, down and through it, and the angle actually behind the racket is greater than 45 degrees, and 90 degrees in many approach . Therefore I say that not volleys must be chopped, the tendency is to pop the ball in the air against any slice. Slice volleys if desired, or hit them flat for these two rounds are conducted in a small angle to the line of flight of the ball, the racket face travelling almost over his aircraft.

In all volleys, high or low, the wrist should be blocked and absolutely rigid. You should always be below the head of the racket, making the racket bracing against the impact of the ball. Allowing the entry into force of the shot, in addition to its own weight, to return the ball, and not try to "doll" of her. The face is tilted racket give any angle necessary for the return of the ball look at the strings, so you do not need to turn the wrist.

Low volleys can never be a power, and because of the height of the network should be sharply angled, to allow the increase of distance. Any ball met at a level higher than the top of the network can be hit hard. The stroke should be crisp, snappy, and decisive, but must leave to meet the ball. Monitoring must be very small. The lowest volleys should be smooth and short. Most volleys requiring high speed and length.

The "downtime" volleyball is nothing more than a short shot blocked. There is no force used. The racket simply complies with the ball and vehicles that stops it. The ball bounces and falls of its own weight. There is little bounce a shot that, and that can be reduced to allow the racket to slide slightly under the ball at the moment of impact, therefore, turn back to the ball.

Volleying is a science based on the old axiom that a geometric straight line is the shortest distance between two points. I would say that one must always volleyer cover the line passing shots, as it is the shortest shot to go with him, and he must volley directly to its openness and not waste time trying freakish curvándose volleys to give the base line time to recover. It is the great straight Johnston volley that makes him a dangerous network of man. He is always "punched" his volley straight and hard at the opening in his opponent's court.

A player must have net ground strokes with the aim of achieving positive net. Do you not think that a service and volley will suffice against first-class tennis. Strive to kill his volleys at the same time, but his shot should not win, keep the ball and cross again cover the shot straight. Always force the man trying to pass to play the best shot.

Attacking with his volleys. Never defend the ball when on the network. The only defense is a volley at his feet as comes in. It is a mid-court shot. Volleys should gain from the placement of more than speed, but speed can be used in a high volley.

Closely related to volleyball, but by no means a stroke volley, overhead smash it. This is the Big Bertha tennis. It is the terror of far-reaching should always score. The rules of feet, the position and direction governing volleyball will be sufficient to overheads. The rotation itself is different. The rotation must be closely linked to the slice of service, and the racket arm swing freely from the shoulder, wrist and flexible racket impart a slight twist to the ball to keep it in court. Total operating expenses is due mainly to a winner through speed, as his abandonment is so high that often the placement of a slowly allows time for a recovery.

Do not jump in the air to hit balls unnecessarily broad. Keep at least one foot, and when you can have two feet on the ground in the crushing, since it helps regulate weight, and have a better balance. Hit flat and decisively, to the point, if desired. Most of the overhead shots will be lost in the eyes leaving the ball, but a second class of errors are due to the lack of trust that gives overcrowding, lack of enthusiasm swing. Follow through his shot above the current limit of your swing.

Overloading is essentially a shot doubles, singles, because the chances of overcoming the network are greater than men lobbing over her head, while two men Doubles cover the network so easily that the best way to open the court is a Lob man back. At break, the longest distance is more secure because it allows a greater shot margin of error. Therefore crush 'cross when pressed, but his throw short lobs any of the parties as determined by the man who is playing.

Never drop a lob can hit on the head because it forces the back and gives the position of attacking his opponent. Never crush with a reverse twist, always hit with a straight and direct racket face to the opening. Closely related to overhead, as it is the usual crush hard for any defense, is the lob.

One is a high lob to pull the ball landing between the service line and the baseline. An excellent lob must be within 6 feet of the baseline. Lobs are essentially defensive. The ideas are lobbing: (1) to give yourself time to recover when the position was withdrawn from the court by his opponent's shot;
(2) to reduce the net man and break his attack;
(3) the tires of your opponent;
(4) occasionally to, by placing win cleanly. This is usually a lob volley to a close network of rally, and is a slightly different stroke.
(1) cut the lob, a cut very low spin that hangs in the air. This is the best defensive lob, which is high and gives plenty of time to regain the position.
(2) The stroke or lob flat lob, hit with a slight top spin. This is the point lob winner because not enough time for the player to run around it, because it is lower and faster than the chop. In making this lob, start your swing as a unit, but to allow the racket and slow in the face to tilt upward only when you meet the ball. This should rarely be shot over 10 feet in the air, as it tends to go out with the float of the ball.

The lob chop, which is a decided cut low, should increase from 20 to 30 feet, or more, high and deep it goes. It's better to lob out and execute your opponent back, which is exhausting, short lob, and give him the confidence of killing them. The value of a lob is primarily one of upsetting your opponent, and its effects are very evident if one unexpectedly in the crucial period of a match.

Video iPod`s package

The tendency of the company to establish their packages Apple is redefined with each new appearance of a product. In fact, the ongoing quest to find the package and aesthetics and adaptation of the box at once the product and the needs of clients' focuses on discovering a more compact packaging and at the same time, with a expressive, yet subtle artistic touch. Due to the characteristics of the product, the packaging of the video iPod tries to be both practical and aesthetic, in order to symbolize somehow the visual characteristics and quality of the new product. The original package iPod is a 6 "cube box. Table had to be removed from the sleeve, following which was developed as a flower.
The first package of iPod reflects the image that the company was trying to promote: the exuberant style, expressive elements, dynamic and intense colors and sounds. After the emergence of the next types of iPods, this image of the product has changed into a more mature, an image that was expressed through the campaigns, the package and the overall design of the product. The main color of the video iPod is plain black, which is quite risky, but the original, taking into account the fact that the main aspect is that the device has the video, in the sense of the colors, movement and diversion. However, there are different accents of silver in the box, representing the Apple logo and the text. Still, the cabinet color is adapted to the iPod colors: white and black, like the iPod. By choosing these colours and this style of packaging, Apple wanted to create a more sophisticated and stylish appearance of the new products, together with this, the advertisements for the product changed to a number more mature and tone.
The shape of the box is different, and also, from the first flower-like box of the first generation iPod, iPod video `s box is rather flat and square, more stylish and more serious looking. In fact, this table works as a sleeve, and with an open end, similar to a DVD box set, but which also contains another box inside, which is well within fixed. The inner box is opened distinctive into 2 parts: one part contains the iPod device and the other contains a monolith. The package lacks a manual guide (still, with a small quick start), on the other hand, has a CD containing all the necessary instructions for using video iPod. In addition to these, the box contains an important statement and I think the copyright and a sleeve of real protection for the iPod. The CD containing instructions showing a PDF file that can be adapted to any computer, using the languages English, French, German, Japanese and Chinese. Another internal cable package contains a USB adapter and ear buds; this type of iPod has heard even smaller buds, which should be protected while the opening of the box.
The new product has video iPod, in addition to various improvements in the technical department (including the video function is the most important), another package, and another image format. The new package manages to remain practical, however, it becomes more secure. In addition to these, the new package offers a more sophisticated and elitist image of the product, concentrating on refined touches and neutral colors.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Timeshare Presentations: How to survive?

Have you ever attended a timeshare presentation? I wish him ever attending one. It's traumatic experience sitting through a time-share presentation. Compare buying a used car from a dealer, which is even more frustrating experience as more money is at stake here. What is a timeshare presentation? It is nothing more than a sales pitch timeshare by force the companies to individuals to buy their timeshares. It begins with an invitation offering an expensive gift in exchange for attending the presentation. Now you go to the presentation of thinking that there is no harm in attending and you get a gift also, in return, but you realize that have made the biggest mistake of life only when you sit through the presentation painful.
The expensive gift turns out to be a cheat and that is under great pressure sales tactics. The presentation usually last for ninety minutes and can continue and, in some cases. After the presentation, the seller is around you and ask if you have any questions. They go to the point where, literally, pressurization. They want you to either make a commitment or sign a document before leaving the presentation. When you say no to constant him, the manager approach and offer a good deal. Sometimes it is very difficult to resist the temptation after being offered such great deals. But you have to be mentally prepared to say no to them at any cost. Tell them clearly that you have already spent valuable time and could not spare any more time. Let's say you have an appointment with somebody and you have to leave immediately. And do not forget to take your gift before leaving after the presentation of everything that was why he attended the presentation.The seller and managers do their best to convince him to sign some papers, offering many offerings , but we should stick to your resolution not to fall into the trap of saying constantly in his mind that "no, I can not afford to buy a timeshare," and "I will be able to make payments every month. Educadamente say "no" to any offer but the appearance is attractive. They also say that you need time to decide, make contact with their number or fax number and say that you choose to report on its decision. They also say that you will not tolerate any courtesy calls or emails. You can also tell them that you already have a friends or family members in that place and time it is not necessary to buy a timeshare. Another of the reasons that can give to escape them is that only came to the presentation for the gift or you can say that you just wanted to learn about timeshare and it is too early to make a decision about buying a timeshare. You can also say that you are not one of the frequent vacationers and would be able to vacation year after year, and even if you go on vacation do not like to go to the same place each year. Also say that you are not in the financial position to invest in anything, now or in the near future. We have seen it all depends on our mental configuration to sit through a presentation and still survive.