If you are thinking that it is time of the cleaning or hour for an annual control, its business needs to undergo a control every year. It does not concern how he is great or small it is his business, you you cannot calibrate the effectiveness of any changes that you have realized without analyzing the advantages and the bottom.
Here they are 10 questions to obtain to him begun:
- How their sales year-to-date compare to the pairs passed of years? Not to be satisfied if you handled to match them because if the sales remained equal then you have reached growth zero. With the inflation, this flat line of the growth is a danger signal for more hardship under the way.
- What percentage of its business is of clients of the repetition? This is important to know because if is too low, later it needs to be improved. The considered cost to obtain to a new client against the existing retention can as much be as five to one in terms of dollars happened. The safekeeping of clients is more profitable than new constantly whom they look for.
- How long it has been since you offered a new product or a service? The loyal clients have taste to see changing him and progressing with the times. If you are stuck for an idea, to ask its clients which he needs.
- You consider to put and the expenses or the investments of publicity? How you watch the money passed in these areas affects its good will to pass the money absolutely. You would watch prescriptions like loss of money? The commercialization is investing really in you, its vision, and its company. The old saying that you must pass the money to make the money is truth, but you must pass it wise. To pass it in the announcements that are throwing of answers and orders, and if you are not perhaps necessity to change publications.
- You know which you are the band and to use it to place positively his business in means? I will bet that at least he does one of his competitors. Almost each mention of a company or a business in newspapers and the compartments is a direct result of efforts of the publicity. Being quoted or being offered in an article it speaks to volumes to his clients and readers who are their potential perspective. A good consultant of the band can do that you and to demonstrate ways to him to extend the life utility of that article beyond his publication.
- Are mentioned you in the Yellow Pages? If you have only one listed line, to consider to include a small announcement in the Yellow Pages. If you can allow yourself, will pay dividends through year.
- You nipple its regular clients improvement that its drop-ins? You must. If their clients do not feel special when coming to you for products of services, why continue being loyal you? To only have a day of the esteem of the client or a special sale of the invitation for its regulars. To create a list of people to those who are sent propaganda of their regulars. To send the postal or occasional greeting cards for the special events or as soon as to remain in contact. To learn to recognize them in view and to greet them by name when they visit to him.
- How long he has been since you really spoke with one of his clients? Because you hardly appreciate when his doctor takes time to speak with you, his clients will appreciate to him if you take an interest in his needs. If you have a company of services, to have the lunch or periodic coffee with some regulars - even if they make contact to him with enemy with only once or twice the year. The personal tact in an impersonal world will be remembered.
- How his to do of the business it is compared to his competition? Each company, does not matter what the size, even has competition - home-based businesses. Its business is growing or reducing the stature? It is his appraisal or service better than hers? If it is so you can say to potential clients on the difference of the price? To think of how you can improve his service to solve or to exceed the expectations his client.
- They are its happy employees? Not to ask to them that direct, but to observe them through day. The clock, listens and learns. The employees who as their works do not watch the clock to stop time, are not habitual slow, do not have poor corporal language, do not spend time in personal calls of telephone, and they do not watch as never they smiled. To observe how they build reciprocally with the clients. Each is not a phosphorus for the direct bonding with the public, so to make sure that you do not have an employee who is moving away business.
I can remember when it worked in my first extra-curricular work. It was a company of services with me as soon as the owner and in the work. There was direct bonding with the clients, and never there was a problem with the smile when expensive speaking to face with them. That landlord I occurred the best extremity of the business of my life, when it needed that when speaking with the clients on the telephone I must also smile. For a certain inexplicable reason, when you smile whereas you speak on the telephone, the interchange with the client gets to be more pleasant and more productive. It is as if that smile happened to the right through the wires of the telephone to the person with whom you are speaking.
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